Oskari Liukku

Hey there.

I'm an seasoned programmer located in Espoo, Finland with experience in both game and full-stack web development. I've been in the games industry since 2019, programming since 2014, and I became the CEO of our games company Improx Games in 2016.

Let's talk.


  • Git

  • styled-components

  • Python

  • React

  • Blender

  • graphql

  • Node

  • Typescript

  • CSS

  • Angular

  • Unity

  • C#

  • Gatsby

  • Redux

  • Javascript


  • Senior Unity Developer @ Huuuge Games

    • 03/2023
  • CEO, Programmer @ Improx Games

    • 01/2016

    Programming and game design for our company’s games. We’ve published two games so far (Trimmer Tycoon, Brand Color Quiz) and we’re working on a large puzzle-game project: The Last Cube. Besides games, I’ve made several landing websites, for The Last Cube and Improx Games, using React and GatsbyJS.

  • Unity Developer @ Huuuge Games

    • 07/2020
    • 03/2023

    Unity programming for mobile games.

  • Unity Developer @ Double Star

    • 05/202007/2020

    Unity programming for mobile games. Double Star was acquired by Huuuge in Fall 2020.

  • Programmer @ Aniway

    • 06/201708/2018
    • 07/201908/2019
    • 03/202005/2020

    I have programmed and designed games and applications in Unity and Javascript as a part of a small team and on my own. We have shipped over 20 projects during my time there. I also made web applications using Angular and NodeJS.

  • Game Tester, Level Designer @ Redlynx

    • 10/201010/2010
    • 06/201107/2011
    • 06/201203/2014

    I tested games looking for bugs and reported them to a database. I designed levels for the game Trials Evolution.

  • Education

    Master of Science

    Major: Game Design & Production

    • 20182020

    Bachelor of Science

    Major: Computer Science

    • 20142018


      The Last Cube

      This is a game project my company Improx Games has been working on since 2017. It's a cube-puzzle game made in Unity. I started as a 3D modeler (using Blender) and level designer, but quickly moved to a lead programmer position.

      The game features over 18 levels and promises to have around 8 hours of gameplay, once shipped. The Steam page for the game was published in early 2020, and the projected release date for PC and consoles is around Q1 2021.

      • 2024

      Improx Games Landing Page

      Landing page I made for our company Improx Games.

      • 2022


      A Finnish-language clone of the Squaredle (https://squaredle.app) word search game. The puzzle refreshes daily.

      • 2021

      Rogue Land

      Mobile game, Archero-like. I worked at Huuuge as one of the three programmers as part of a small team.

      • 2020

      Date Poll

      A simplistic calendar application I made to replace Doodle for my friend group. It allows users to create polls by inputting a list of dates via a calendar component and to link the published poll to their friends who can then choose fitting dates for them.

      The front-end was made using Gatsby and the GraphQL backend is on Firebase. Both were written in Typescript.

      • 2020


      I made a songbook for my friend group's private "sitsit" parties. It's a simple static page made with Gatsby, where the song data was manually copied from various sources into Markdown, which is then parsed to generate the pages. The styling was purposefully left simplistic to not be distracting.

      • 2020

      The Last Cube Landing Page

      A simple landing page I made for our game The Last Cube. Graphic design by Patrick Milvi. Made with Gatsby and styled-components.

      • 2020

      Bow Land

      Mobile game, Archero-like. I worked at Double Star and later Huuuge as one of the three programmers as part of a small team.

      • 2019

      Substitute Sandman

      Substitute Sandman was our submission for Global Game Jam 2019. The game was developed in two days. It's a traditional twin-stick shooter with a fun theme -- you're a house elf protecting your master's sleep.

      My friend Miika Kanerva and I did the programming, while Patrick Milvi made the sprites.

      • 2018

      Sauna Runner

      Sauna Runner is an infinite runner game I worked on at Aniway. It's a Facebook Instant Game, which is a platform Facebook launched recently, allowing players to play simple games inside Facebook, without downloads. Sauna Runner was made as an experiment to get to know the new platform. Working on it, I learned how the Facebook games infrastructure worked — I implemented leaderboards, sharing and a chat bot.

      • 2018


      While working at Aniway, I worked on this web application for calculating carbohydrates in meals, made for diabetics. It features a meal composer with a list of available ingredients and a graphical plate-view of the meal. After selecting the ingredients, the user can complete a quiz on the required insulin amount. Made with Angular.

      • 2018

      Season's Soup

      Season's Soup is another game I worked on at Aniway. It was designed as a 2-player coop experience that could be used to teach communication in schools. I joined the project quite late in its lifecycle, but I programmed the collectibles, the bat enemies with flocking AI, and the scene switching system.

      • 2018

      God of Wifi

      God of Wifi is another game jam game we developed for Finnish Game Jam X. For the jam, teams were built from all attendees, and my friend and I ended up in a team with 3 extremely talented artists. The end result is a simplistic and funny puzzle game about trying to optimize wifi signals.

      • 2017

      Trump Clicker

      For Ludum Dare 39, we decided to make a clicker/idle game. Donald Trump had just been elected president of the United States, causing massive controversy, so we decided to play with that. In Trump Clicker you play as President Trump, causing controversy in every way you can think of.

      Trump Clicker is one of the most complete games to come out of one of our game jams. It placed top 50 in the humor category (like Trimmer Tycoon previously). Because of its political theme, we decided to not develop the game further. During the 72 hours of development, I did most of the programming and acted as project lead.

      • 2016

      Trimmer Tycoon

      Trimmer Tycoon originated as a game jam game I and four friends made for Ludum Dare 34 in December 2015. It placed top 50 in the humor category and got lots of good feedback. We put it on Steam Greenlight and got through in 3 weeks. Trimmer Tycoon was released on Steam for free in the Fall of 2016 and has since gotten over 250,000 downloads.

      My role in the project was that of a lead programmer and project manager. Over the 11 months we worked only part-time, with me doing most of the coding and some of the art.

      © 2025 Oskari Liukku